
04. What's the matter?

[오늘의 목표]

슬픔을 표현하고 그 이유에 대해 말해 볼까요? What’s the matter?

[오늘의 수업 영상]

[오늘의 대화]

Mr.Choi: What’s the matter, Linh? Are you all right?

Linh: Hi, Mr.Choi. I feel so sad.

Mr.Choi: Why are you sad?

Linh: You know I have a pet, right?

Mr.Choi: Of course. You love him a lot.

Linh: Mom gave him to my aunt yesterday. That makes me so sad.

Mr.Choi: Really? How come?

Linh: That’s because of the rule at our new apartment. It said, “No pets”.

Mr.Choi: Oh, that’s too bad.

Linh: I miss him so much.

Mr.Choi: Cheer up! I hope he’s happy at your aunt’s.

Linh: I really hope so, too. Thank you, Mr.Choi.

[오늘의 표현]

What’s wrong (with you)?

= What’s the problem?

= Is there anything wrong?

= What happened?

= Why the long face?

= Is something wrong?

= How come you look so sad?

[오늘의 팝송] What's the matter? (sung by Milo Greene)

[오늘의 한마디]

내용구성: 권은미(충남 다사랑학교)