07. You know what?
07. You know what?
[오늘의 목표]
[오늘의 목표]
주의 끌기와 놀람을 나타내는 표현을 알아 볼까요?
주의 끌기와 놀람을 나타내는 표현을 알아 볼까요?
[오늘의 수업 영상]
[오늘의 수업 영상]
[오늘의 대화]
[오늘의 대화]
Yejin: It’s a beautiful day to walk outside, isn’t it?
James: Yes. Look at the beautiful cherry blossom.
Yejin: You know what, James? I’m thinking of taking painting class.
James: It’s amazing. I didn’t know you were interested in art.
Yejin: I am into paintings these days after visiting Monet’s exhibition last week.
James: Sounds great. Are you thinking of becoming an artist in the future?
Yejin: I want to go to an art high school.
James: Really? May I have your autograph now?
Yejin: What did you say?
James: I believe you will become a famous painter like Monet someday.
Yejin: Haha. Thank you.
[오늘의 표현]
[오늘의 표현]
(주의 끌기)
(주의 끌기)
- You know what?
- Hey!
- Listen.
- May I have your attention, please?
(놀람 표현하기)
(놀람 표현하기)
- What a surprise!
- That’s surprising!
- I just can’t believe this.
[오늘의 팝송]
[오늘의 팝송]
[오늘의 한 마디]
[오늘의 한 마디]
내용구성: 권은미(충남 다사랑학교)