
Venice’s Future Is Challenged by Climate Change

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Venice’s Future Is Challenged by Climate Change

YBM 교사지원 Y Cloud 제공

In November 2019, a storm hit Venice and poured a lot of rain. The famous cathedral church, St. Mark’s Basilica, was seriously flooded, and it was the sixth time in 1,200 years, according to church records. The tide monitoring center announced that the water in Venice reached 1.87m. The official records of the tide began in 1923, and only once has the tide been higher, which was 1.94m in 1966.

In addition, 5 of the 10 highest tides have happened in the past 20 years, and the most recent one was only two years ago. Venice’s mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, said the flood was a direct result of climate change. With rising sea level and unexpected weather patterns, a city such as Venice is particularly in great danger. Climate change means that new weather patterns are caused by changes in Earth’s climate system. The problem of climate change is that the new, unexpected weather patterns stay in place for a long period of time and cause lots of damage. (a) because of / also / climate change / only / the whole world / is / in danger / Venice / but / not . It’s time to take this problem seriously and _______________(A)__________________.

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